Hello Pilates Enthusiast!

The Summer schedule has started off fabulously! It seems that everyone has been able to get on the schedule…or at least I haven’t heard otherwise :-)

a group of people are standing next to each other on a sidewalk .

The first summer Pilates with a Glass had a great turn out with 6 WALK INS!! That was such a pleasant surprise. We had our class over at the little tasting room area. Half where on the patio area and the other half was on the grass. It seemed that everyone was happy with their chosen spot. The next Pilates with a Glass will be July 20th at 6pm.  You can grab your spot by Clicking Here pay at the door. 

a screenshot of a website for pilates video library .

Here’s some sad news I’m taking July 3 through July 7th off. BUT there’s great news too!!! Finally, the time has come. The Pilates Video Library Subscription is LIVE!! For $20.00 a month you have access to all of the videos. Click here to read more about what the Video Library has to offer. On that same page you can subscribe by clicking on the Subscribe Now tab. Here’s some other great news- First 3 Days are FREE!

There is a really simple and direct way to get back to the Library on the website, click on the video menu tab, scroll down to Subscriber Login and off you go! The Library is in the beginning stages but it will grow. At the end of August, I will release a new video for each category. I will keep you updated on when new videos will come out. Level 3 will be coming out in the Fall. 

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Here are what one of members has to say about the Pilates Videos

My journey with Pilates started in 2008 when I met Heidi. She is a very patient, well trained and an awesome instructor. I was devastated when she told me she was moving out of the area after being with her for 10 years. Trying other studios in my area did not work for me as the instructors were not to the caliber of Heidi’s instruction. I was thrilled when she started her online videos.

The classes provide different levels depending where you are in your practice. Her instructions are clear to ensure your alignment is proper. There is a variety of classes depending on what body parts you are interested in working, how much time you have and what equipment is available to you. You can easily find whatever it is you are looking for under Heidi’s instruction.

This is a great way to stay on top of your practice anywhere in the world!

Jo Ann B

Not sure where to start?  Or where to point your friends to? Go the Free Basic Pilates Videos under the Video menu tab. These videos explain the fundamentals and the mindset to have to set you up. In level 1 of the Video Library, you will quickly see how these fundamentals are applied.  Then move on from there at your own pace, exploring what videos you might find that you love. I definitely notice for myself and my trail group, we find the videos we love and we keep coming back. 

a stack of yoga mats with a pilates ball and a ring

We finished up the “small ball” month for the Mat Classes. I’m excited to see everyone’s lat in engaged with ribs lifted on the side plank :-) For July Mat 1 (Tuesday and Thursday 10am) we will be focusing on gate and balance. In Mat 2 (Thursday 9 am) we be continuing on working level 2 and touching on some level 3 exercises. Enjoy the summer sun and I’ll see you at my Spot! 

xo Heidi 

a woman is sitting on a yoga mat using a laptop computer .
By Heidi 29 Feb, 2024
Hello Pilates enthusiast! The countdown is on for Spring to start… and I think it’s safe to say that most of us are ready for it.
a woman is standing in a room with a pilates machine .
By Heidi 03 Feb, 2024
I hope that the New Year has found you new hope in whichever area of life you need it. For me the New Year kicked off with some challenges of illness but it was gone and out of my system within a few days… but low and behold a sinus infection came to visit me. I haven’t had one of those in a long time. Gave me a bit of a questioning of all things, but once I got over that hump of reminding myself of some truths, I was able to jump back into things. Have you ever gotten off track with things? Since we are all things Pilates here, have you ever found yourself getting off track of your Pilates routine? If so, you are not alone. I’ve definitely gotten off track. The first thing I did was recognize that I wasn’t in my Pilates routine. I also notice how my body felt, what my mood was like and what I was thinking in my mind. I had to carve out firstly, mental time. Thinking about how good I would feel after my workout helped me carve out 5-10 minutes. Maybe it was my breath practice, maybe it was simply lifting my pelvic floor when doing the dishes, but those small steps helped me get back on my mat, then to the reformer; finally, back into a good solid workout routine. Once I got back into my Pilates routine, I noticed that I can handle things good or bad, that come my way. My body feels strong, my mood is a lot more leveled and my thinking becomes more positive. Sometimes, the beginning of this process is hard, but give it once a week, then twice and before you know it, you will find your groove. Of course reading it and saying it is much easier than doing it, and that’s where I come in. In person or online I am here to help you get started and to keep you going.  Have you been off track before? How did you get back on track? I would love to hear about it to cheer you on or to congratulate you.
 pilates studio room
By Heidi Garcia 02 Jan, 2024
Wow everyone, here we are again at the end of December. I really cannot believe how fast this year went. So many great things happened for the Studio. We are now fully equip! The Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Spine corrector, and Big Barrel . These are the juicy pieces that help you become better at body awareness, connection, and Mat. It has been so exciting to see how the method has reshaped and made all of your bodies stronger. The Online Pilates Library became LIVE and to the public. It has been amazing to hear how they are helping the members grow and change physically as well as intellectually about the Pilates exercises. All of the members are giving some really positive feedback. Here is an amazing testimony from a member in Tennessee. “You should subscribe to these videos. So much information and easy to follow instruction is what you will find. My shoulder had been slowly getting worse this past year, but thankfully Heidi Garcia helped me gain control to heal. We don't live in the same state, so these videos are keeping me going after our in person session. Her attention to my physical placement really made my body remember where it should be and how it should be doing it. Oh how I wish I could see her in person each week! At least I can watch a video each day. My goal is to get mobility back in my left shoulder. What's your physical goal? Sign up!!! You will gain knowledge and grow stronger!” This was my Third year teaching the SPORT gymnastic team ballet. Of course I sprinkle Pilates into the teaching. I love hearing how their Pilates Privates are helping your Young Athlete gain more confidence, understanding of their body and healing them to return to their sport. When we support and give them the tools to take care of themselves there is less likely of injury and burn out. Progression happened! This year as it passed I was able to see that we are beginning to have 3 distinct levels here at the studio!!! Oh gosh what a dream. Pilates with a Glass at Union Hill has been a fabulous outreach to our community. THANK YOU to all for making this a fun event. Ever since I got my National Certification I believe even more how important it is for people to understand WHAT Pilates is… this is going to mainly come from the exercises, what is out there being called Pilates is questionable but Real Pilates WILL NEVER GO AWAY because it’s not a trend. Trendy things don’t last long in fitness or wellness. Of course, there are far more than 5 but I’d say these are the Top 5. Ready to go for another year?
a group of people are posing for a picture in a restaurant .
By Heidi 14 Nov, 2023
Hey Everyone!
a seamless pattern of sports icons on a blue background
By Heidi 06 Oct, 2023
Hello Fellow Athlete Parents,  I’m sure like me, your child is in the swing and thick of practice. It’s about this time that their lives have gotten a bit more hectic. Between school life, homework, practice and chores their life is feeling it. I find my child needs more hugs around this time..as well as ice packs, “help” with homework and just needs to know I am there. Even in their most joyous times in their sport they will start to feel pressure from all points. The best thing we can do as a parent is to recognize that and give them support when and how they need it. I find I do better by simply saying, “when you’re ready, I’m here.” They may need time to dissect what is hard. Remember coaches and teachers are there to push your child pass comfort, because, we as adults know, it’s only by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone is when growth happens, the same is true for our children. So, by being their cheerleader and support system they know they are loved regardless of the outcome.
a pink cup with a green straw is sitting on a rock in the grass
21 Sep, 2023
Fall is just days away and so are some dates to remember The next Pilates with a Glass Event is THIS THURSDAY! At 6pm. Grab your spot by clicking the link , class is more than half full. Union Hill Cidery also has their kitchen open so you can grab something to eat to go with your Cider. The upcoming Pilates with a Glass Fall Schedule done: Here are the dates below, they are be on schedule so you can grab your spot. Because of popular demand and also request we are bringing the event to you TWICE A MONTH!!! Say what!!!???? Thank you so much for your love and support with this fun class. Here are the dates, hop on Vagaro and book your spot. October 14th and 28th, November 18th and December 2nd and the 16th. October 19- 23 the studio will be CLOSED . I’m heading over to Nashville , Tennessee for a Scoliosis Workshop. This is a two-day event that goes from 9-5 my brain will be given a ton of juicy information and I can’t wait to apply to my scoli. Clients. I actually haven’t been to an in person continuing education event for a looooonnngggg time. So, I’m excited to be with fellow Pilates nerds and nerd out about the spine, muscles and movements. Not to get too far ahead… and I will send out another Newsletter by then, but November 20-24 the studio will be CLOSED.
a woman is laying on a purple yoga mat in front of a house .
29 Aug, 2023
I know some of you are counting down the days till Fall but I’m hanging on to the last days of Summer. It’s been a great and busy summer! In July I launched the On-Line Pilates Video Library and TODAY! I am releasing new videos in each of the categories. In Level 1 It’s a fundamentals video that breaks down pelvis movements, articulation vs stability, shoulder movements and supporting these movements with breath. Level 2 there is a quick video of the Fab. 5 abdominal exercises. In Specialties there’s a authentic TLC video for when you’ve done a good solid walk! When making this video I was thinking about how great a frozen water bottle would feel under my feet but the tennis ball did just fine. Then lastly, the 10 min. Glute and Hips video.. OH WOW! Such a great video. After I wrote up this workout and did it myself, I had to get dinner made and I while I was standing, I felt so much support coming from those muscles. I put these videos at the front of the line ;-) I will be recording Level 3 in the coming weeks and at the end of September that category will be available.
a woman is doing Pilates on a purple mat in a room .
By Heidi 30 Jun, 2023
As summer is in full swing, your child may be doing a lot more extra hours in their sport. This is so good for them on so many different levels. It teaches them: You have to work hard to achieve something How work through challenges and obstacles They meet fear in the face Failure is only a stepping stone to learning something new or about themselves And most importantly their bodies As a young athlete at one time myself and having two children who are athletic, I understand the importance of support. You as their parent you are their biggest fan, you are there to dry tears on the hard practice days, cheer the loudest at the meets and you want to help them succeed not just in their sport but life as well. One of the biggest takes aways I learned while training and into professionally dancing was taking care of my body. It is really challenging for a child to pin point what might be bothering them, or they know what bugs them, but don’t know where it’s coming from. Our bodies are complex yet within ligaments, muscles, and bones it all connects. This is why my daughter’s coach came to me, because the young athlete HAS TO TAKE EXTRA TIME TO CARE FOR THEIR BODIES. As I have trained elite golfers, professional football players, professional dancers, fitness instructors, gymnast and tennis players, one thing rings truer than true, THEY HAVE GOT TO STRETCH after the practice, before the meet or even on a slow evening. As one of my dance teachers said, move your body and move it well. That isn’t going happen with tight pecs, low back pain or tight calves, no it won’t. So, by way of brainstorming with my daughters coach and talking to other parents who have young athletes, I came up with Stretches For the Young Athlete. These videos are of the areas that need stretching out the most and they are the most common areas for an athlete. There are 5 different videos. Stretching for: Shoulders and Arms Low back tightness and pain Feet Legs Hips The reason for separate videos is so that your young athlete can go to a specific video when those specific areas are bugging them. The downloadable video is at low cost of $20.00. Click the link below to purchase today!
a group of people are standing on Pilates mats in a room .
By Heidi Garcia 25 Apr, 2023
Happy Spring! I’m so happy it’s becoming warm and sunny!!
a group of people posing for a picture on the beach
By Heidi Garcia 05 Dec, 2022
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!  My family and I had a wonderful, relaxing and much needed vacation out in Gulf Shores. My sister, Heather joined us so it made the trip even more fun! The rest gave us time to re-set ourselves for the upcoming season of bathroom and shower remodel, the Holiday Season and the upcoming Competition season.
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